Anne Carlsen
BI Norwegian Business School

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Arne Carlsen is Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Department of Leadership and Organizational Behavior, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway. His research deals with individual and collective growth in organizations, often inspired by narrative theory, pragmatism and positive organizational scholarship. He has co-edited four books, and his work has been accepted for publications in outlets such as Organization Science, Human Relations, Organization Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Management Learning, Journal of Positive Psychology and Harvard Business Review.

My research addresses positive relationships and relationality of organizational life in at least three ways: One is the relational nature of agency—both in terms of how it is produced in interactions and its prosocial orientations. This extends to how values work in organizations is situated in joint inquiry. Another is the relational nature of organizational creativity as inherently collective and intertextual processes. A third is the relational nature of collaborative research, including practices for research-practitioner co-creation and research as an ethics.