Erin Makarius
Associate Professor
University of Akron
(314) 749-5753

Related Research Interests

In my dissertation I focus on employee’s experience of tensions and how that affects their well-being and workplace bDr. Erin Makarius is an Associate Professor of Human Resources in the Management Department of the College of Business Administration at the University of Akron. She received her Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. Her research interests include understanding and facilitating boundaries such as organizational, work-life, technological, and international boundaries, with emphasis on the role of relationships, reputation, and remote work. She examines the employee-organization relationship and individual connections with others in working virtually and globally.

Representative Citations

  • Wilk, S., & Makarius, E. (2015). Choosing the Company You Keep: Racial Relational Demography Outside and Inside of Work. Organization Science, 26(5), 1316-1331.
  • Makarius, E. & Larson, B. (2017). Changing the perspective of virtual work: Building virtual intelligence at the individual level. Academy of Management Perspectives, 31, 159-178.
  • Dachner, A. & Makarius, E. (2021). Turn Departing Employees into Loyal Alumni: A Holistic Approach to Offboarding. Harvard Business Review Magazine, March/April,