Hooria Jazaieri
Assistant Professor of Management
Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University

Related Research Interests

In my research, I investigate experiences and expressions of emotions in workplaces—gratitude, hope, compassion, and awe—and the consequences (both positive and negative) of emotions on individual, dyadic, and organizational outcomes (e.g., organizational culture, sense of community). I am interested in how employees regulate their own emotions at work, as well as the emotions of others. This research builds on my prior academic and work experience as a licensed psychotherapist, with training that provides unique insights into emotions at work. I also study individual reputation, the topic of my dissertation work, which examines how people gain, lose, and recover or repair their reputations, and how reputational information is stored and communicated in networks. My research utilizes an array of methods, employing both quantitative and qualitative methods in experimental laboratory and field settings.

Related Publications

  • Livne-Tarandach, R., Jazaieri, H., & Rabelo, V. (2024). Takes one to know one… or does it? Previously endured distress reduces compassion action quality towards others. Journal of Organizational Behavior. doi: 10.1002/job.2799
  • O’Neill, O. A., & Jazaieri, H. (2024). Emotional culture and humor in organizations: A social-functional approach. Current Opinions in Psychology, 55, 101720. doi: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2023.101720
  • Feldman, D. B. & Jazaieri, H. (2024). Feeling hopeful: Development and validation of the trait emotion hope scale. Frontiers in Psychology, 15. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1322807
  • Feldman, D. B., Jazaieri, H., O’Rourke, M. A. O, Bakitas, M. A., Krouse, R. S., Deininger, H. E., Hudson, M. F., & Corn, B. (2023). Healthcare Professionals’ Lay Definitions of Hope. Journal of Happiness Studies, 24: 231-247. doi: 10.1007/s10902-022-00589-0
  • Livne-Tarandach, R., & Jazaieri, H. (2021). Swift sense of community: Exploring how materiality can be resourced for the emergence of a sense of community in temporary organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 64, 1127-1163. doi: 10.5465/amj.2019.0410
  • Aksoy, L., Jazaieri, H., Loureiro, Y. K., Milligan, K., Nesteruk, J., & Sisodia, R. (2019). Transforming business education through social innovation: From exalting heroes to engaging our humanity. Humanistic Management Journal, 4, 239-259. doi: 10.1007/s41463-019-00068-4
  • Goldin, P. R. & Jazaieri, H. (2020). Investigating moderators of compassion meditation training in a community sample. Mindfulness, 11, 75-85. doi: 10.1007/s12671-017-0857-0
  • Jazaieri, H. (2018). Compassionate Education from Preschool to Graduate School: Bringing a Culture of Compassion into the Classroom. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, 11, 22-66. doi: 10.1108/JRIT-08-2017-0017
  • Jazaieri, H., McGonigal, K. M., Lee, I. A., Jinpa, T., Doty, J. R., Gross, J. J. & Goldin, P. R. (2018). Altering the trajectory of affect and affect regulation: The impact of compassion training. Mindfulness, 9, 283-293. doi: 10.1007/s12671-017-0773-3
  • Jazaieri, H., Lee, I. A., McGonigal, K. M., Jinpa, T., Doty, J. R., Gross, J. J., & Goldin, P. R. (2016). A wandering mind is a less caring mind: A daily diary study during compassion cultivation training. Journal of Positive Psychology, 11, 37-50. doi: 10.1080/17439760.2015.1025418
  • Jazaieri, H., McGonigal, K. M., Jinpa, T. G., Doty, J. R., Gross, J. J., & Goldin, P. R. (2014). A randomized controlled trial of Compassion Cultivation Training: Effects on mindfulness, affect, and emotion regulation. Motivation and Emotion, 38, 23-35. doi: 10.1007/s11031-013-9368-z