Jacoba Lilius
Associate Professor
Queen’s University

Related Research Interests

I’ve long been interested in collegial relationships as important sources of connection, support, and compassion, how relationships shape courageous action (compassion; upward voice), as well as understanding sustainable human service work (maintaining connection without burnout). I’ve recently become very interested in how late-life diagnosis of adult ADHD changes self-identity and relationships/interactions with others at work.

Related Publications

  • Heaphy, E., Lilius, J., & Feldman, E. (2022). Moved to speak up: How prosocial emotions influence the employee voice process. Human Relations, 75(6), 1113-1139.
  • Lilius, J. M. (2012). Recovery at work: Understanding the restorative side of “depleting” client interactions. Academy of Management Review, 37(4), 569-588.
  • Lilius, J. M., Worline, M. C., Dutton, J. E., Kanov, J. M., & Maitlis, S. (2011). Understanding compassion capability. Human Relations, 64(7), 873-899.
  • Lilius, J. M., Worline, M. C., Maitlis, S., Kanov, J., Dutton, J. E., & Frost, P. (2008). The contours and consequences of compassion at work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29(2), 193-218.
  • Dutton, J. E., Worline, M. C., Frost, P. J., & Lilius, J. (2006). Explaining compassion organizing. Administrative science quarterly, 51(1), 59-96.