Kaeleen Drummey
Doctoral Student, Seattle Pacific University
Research Scientist, University of Washington
(206) 354-1437

Related Research Interests

My work as a researcher and practitioner centers around the role of emotions, empathy, and effective communication in supporting positive, developmental relationships within the context of leadership development and coaching. I’m a PhD Candidate in Industrial-Organizational Psychology at Seattle Pacific University and a research scientist and leadership development coach and consultant at the University of Washington in the Center for Leadership and Strategic Thinking (CLST). Prior to my work in leadership development and I-O psychology, I spent about 8 years working with Dr. John Gottman at the Relationship Research Institute, often known as “the Love Lab,” studying conflict management and emotional communication skills in couples and families as well as the effectiveness of relationship intervention programs. During my time with Dr. Gottman, I developed expertise in the Specific Affect Coding System (SPAFF) and observational behavioral coding and provide consultation to researchers applying this methodology to their own research.

In my current work, I apply my background in emotional communication and relationship development to both the study of coaching conversations and development of coaching relationships, as well as the training of leaders in effective peer and managerial coaching conversations. My dissertation research focuses on the role of emotional communication and coach empathic accuracy in fostering a positive coaching relationship between coach and client and client psychological need satisfaction.

In my work at the CLST, I utilize evidence-based tools and practices in the design and delivery of programs to develop leadership, team and strategic thinking skills in individuals and organizations. I co-lead a MBA Fellowship program designed to foster peer coaching and mentoring relationships between first and second-year MBA students, and recently designed and launched a pilot of a new peer group coaching program for the faculty and staff within the Foster School of Business.