Kevin Rockmann
George Mason University
(703) 993-4988

Related Research Interests

My primary research area is psychological attachment and relationship formation and as such I am particularly interested in theories of identity, social exchange, and motivation. I enjoy studying distributed, virtual, on-demand, and other non-traditional work contexts. My research has appeared in Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Annals, Organization Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Academy of Management Discoveries, and other outlets.

Relevant Publications

  • Rockmann, K.W., & Ballinger, G.B. (2017). Intrinsic Motivation and Organizational Identification Among On-Demand Workers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102: 1305-1316.
  • Rockmann, K.W., & Pratt, M.G. (2015). Contagious offsite work and the lonely office: The unintended consequences of distributed work. Academy of Management Discoveries, 1: 150-164.
  • Ballinger, G.A., & Rockmann, K.W (2010). Chutes versus ladders: A punctuated-equilibrium perspective on social exchange relationships. Academy of Management Review, 35, 373-391.