Liu-qin Yang
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
Portland State University

Related Research Interests

Dr. Liu-Qin (LQ) Yang is a Professor of Industrial-Organizational Psychology at Portland State University (PSU). She has over 20 years of experience in doing research and applied work on the topics of employee well-being, employee motivation, and measurement. Her research uses a lens of social relationship. Her work has been funded by NIMH and CDC/NIOSH, among others.

Related Publications

  • Tay, L., Batz-Barbarich, C., Yang, L.-Q., & Wiese, C. (Accepted). Well-Being: the ultimate criterion for organizational sciences. Journal of Business and Psychology. 
  • Lyons, B.J., Baldridge, D., Yang, L.-Q, & Bryan, C. (2023). Disability severity, professional isolation perceptions, and career outcomes: When does leader-member exchange quality matter? Journal of Management. DOI: 10.1177/01492063221143714
  • Yang, L.-Q., Zheng, X., Liu, X., Lu, C., & Schaubroeck, J. (2020). Abusive supervision, thwarted belongingness, and workplace safety: A group engagement perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105, 230-244. DOI: 10.1037/apl0000436 
  • Chang, C.-H., Yang, L.-Q., & Lauricella, T. K. (2020). Social support exchange and nurses’ musculoskeletal injuries in a team context: Anger as a mediator. Work & Occupations, 47, 144-172. DOI: 10.1177/0730888419826622
  • Yang, L.-Q., Sliter, M., Cheung, J., Sinclair, R. & Mohr, C. (2018). The dark side of helping: Does returning the favor from coworkers hurt employee work engagement? Journal of Business and Psychology, 33, 741-760. DOI: 10.1007/s10869-017-9522-9