Rob Koonce
Affiliate Faculty
Creighton University

Research Interests

As a scholar-practitioner, I explore mindset as an emergent individual, relational, and collective construct.

Relevant Publications

  • Koonce, R. (2017). The emergent nature of positive (and negative) organizing: Why mindset matters. In R. Koonce, P. Robinson, & B. Vogel (Eds.), Developing leaders for positive organizing (pp. 3-41). Bingley, England: Emerald.
  • Koonce, R. (2016). All in the family: Leading and following through individual, relational, and collective mindsets. In R. Koonce, M. Bligh, M. K. Carsten, & M. Hurwitz (Eds). Followership in action: Cases and commentaries (pp. 3-13). Bingley, England: Emerald.
  • Koonce, R. (2013). Partial least squares analysis as a modeling tool for assessing motivational leadership practices. International Annual Conference Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management, 2013 International Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Finalist, Best Paper Award.
  • Koonce, R. (2012). The motivational complexity of leader-follower verbal communication and job satisfaction (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database. (UMI No. 3523205)