Kristina M. Workman
Assistant Professor
Cornell University

Related Research Interests

My research is in the streams of behavioral ethics, compassion, and leadership. I am particularly interested in exploring the intersections of these topics and understanding how individual agency and small, everyday actions or interactions may contribute to a positive relational context. Two of my current projects that relate to relationships are described below.

1)Third-party reactions to victims of mistreatment: My research with David Mayer examines how the ways in which a person (i.e., a target or victim) responds to being mistreated affects whether third-parties mistreat or support him/her. Results suggest that the secondary outcomes of mistreatment may be negative or positive, and individuals have the power to influence these outcomes. If they reach out to others rather than retaliate or seek reconciliation with their offenders, targets may be able to broaden or strengthen their network of caring and concerned colleagues.

2)Micro-moves in compassion work: My research with Jane Dutton explores how individuals who have already concluded that compassion for another is warranted or needed determine whether he or she is ready and willing to receive it, and if not, how they may engage the suffering party so that compassion may be more competently provided.

Related Publications

  • Dutton, J. E., & Workman, K. W. 2011. Compassion as a generative force. Journal of Management Inquiry, 20: 402-406.