Sarah Wright
Senior Lecturer
Department of Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
College of Business & Law
University of Canterbury

Relevant Research Interests

My research interests are broadly in the area of social relationships and work, with a particular
focus on loneliness. My current interest is in understanding the intrapsychic experience of
loneliness, and the organisational conditions which contribute to it and help overcome it.

Related Publications

  • Cooper-Thomas, H.D. and Wright, S. (2013) Person-environment misfit: the neglected role of social context. Journal of Managerial Psychology 28(1): 21-37.
  • Wright, S. (2012) Is it Lonely at the Top? An Empirical Study of Managers’ and Nonmanagers’ Loneliness in Organizations. The Journal of Psychology 146(1-2): 47-60. (Journal Articles)
  • Lips-Wiersma, M. and Wright, S. (2012) Measuring the meaning of meaningful work: Development and validation of the comprehensive meaningful work scale (CMWS). Group Organization Management 37(5): 655-685.
  • Wright, S. & Hadley, C. (in press). Work loneliness. In D. Perlman, D. W. Russell & C. E.
    Cutrona (Eds.). The Cambridge handbook of loneliness: Theory, research and
    interventions. Cambridge University Press.
  • Wright, S., Silard, T., Bourgoin, A., & Harms, P. (2023). Publicly Invulnerable, Privately
    Lonely: How the Unique Individual and Structural Characteristics of Their Organizational
    Role Contribute to CEO Loneliness. Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being, 21,
  • Hadley, C., Marks, B., & Wright, S. (2023, February 10). How Coworking Spaces Impact
    Employee Well-Being. Harvard Business Review. Research: How Coworking Spaces Impact
    Employee Well-Being (
  • Wright, S., & Silard, T. (2022). Loneliness in Young Adult Workers. International Journal of
    Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(21), 14462. doi:10.3390/IJERPH192114462
  • Gottfredson, R. K., Wright, S. L., & Heaphy, E. D. (2022). A critical review of relationship
    quality measures: Is a fresh start needed? An agenda to move forward. Journal of
    Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 95(3), 624-659.
  • Silard, A., & Wright, S. (2022). Distinctly lonely: how loneliness at work varies by status in
    organizations. Management research review, 45(7), 913-928.
  • Wright, S., & Silard, A. (2021). Unravelling the antecedents of loneliness in the workplace.
    Human Relations, 74(7), 1060-1081.
  • Gottfredson, R. K., Wright, S. L., & Heaphy, E. D. (2020, December 1). A critique of the
    Leader-Member Exchange construct: Back to square one. Leadership Quarterly, 31(6).
    Silard, A., & Wright, S. (2020). The price of wearing (or not wearing) the crown: The effects
    of loneliness on leaders and followers. Leadership, 16(4), 389-410.