Silja Hartmann
Technische Universität Berlin

Related Research Interests

A key theoretical question concerns how organizations and their members can strategically manage change, setbacks, and adverse situations. In my research, I investigate how employees and teams experience and make sense of such situations and which factors enable them, to positively deal with adversity and grow from it.

Related Publications

  • Hartmann, S., Weiss, M., Newman, A., & Hoegl, M. 2020. Resilience in the workplace: A multilevel review and synthesis. Applied Psychology: An International Review. 69(3): 913-959.
  • Hartmann, S; Weiss, M. & Hoegl, M. 2020. Team resilience – A theoretical and conceptual discussion of a team level concept. In: E. Powley, B. Caza & A. Caza (Hrsg.), Handbook of Organizational Resilience: 39-52. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.