Christopher Reina
Executive Director, Institute for Transformative Leadership
Faculty Director, MBA Programs
Provost Leadership Fellow
Associate Professor
School of Business
Virginia Commonwealth University

Related Research Interests

Chris’ coaching, research, and teaching focus on the intersection of leadership, mindfulness, and relationships at work and how they create resilient and inclusive environments where individuals can thrive and feel valued.

Related Publications

  • Town, S., Reina, C. S., Brummans, B., Pirson, M. (2024). Humanistic organizing: The transformative force of mindful organizational communication. Academy of Management Review. DOI:
  • Reina, C. S., Mills, M., Sumpter, D. (2023). A Mindful Relating Framework for Understanding the Trajectory of Work Relationships. (vol. 76, pp.1187-1215). Personnel Psychology. DOI: 10.1111/peps.12530
  • Reina, C. S., Kreiner, G., Rheinhardt, A., Mihelcic, C. (2023). Your Presence Is Requested: Mindfulness Infusion in Workplace Interactions and Relationships. (vol. 34, pp.722-753). Organization Science. DOI:
  • Mills, M., Reina, C. S., Sumpter, D. (2023). Bringing our Humanness to the Workplace: Fostering Reflection and Reflexivity via Mindful Relating. (vol. 16, pp.105-107). Industrial and Organizational Psychology. DOI:
  • Gottfredson, R., Reina, C. S. (2020). Uncovering an overlooked element of leadership development: The foundational role of mindsets. Business Horizons.
  • Gottfredson, R., Reina, C. S. (2020). To Be a Great Leader, You Need the Right Mindset. Harvard Business Review.
  • Rosen, C., Dimotakis, N., Cole, M., Taylor, S., Simon, L., Smith, T., Reina, C. S. (2020). When challenges hinder: An investigation of when and how challenge stressors impact performance outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology.
  • Reina, C. S., Kudesia, R. (2020). Wherever You Go, There You Become: How Mindfulness Arises in Everyday Situations. Organizational Behavior and Human