Michele Williams
Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior
Department of Management and Organizations
University of Iowa

Related Research Interests

My scholarship focuses on two intersecting research streams: (1) trust and relationships and (2) social categorization and gender. At the micro level, I examine the influences of interpersonal processes, such as perspective taking, interpersonal sensitivity and affect regulation, on how interpersonal trust and cooperation evolve in cross-boundary and team-based relationships. At the meso and macro levels, I examine how social categorization processes and the social construction of gender influence women as team members, boundary spanners, entrepreneurs and business owners. My work consists of a mix of theoretical papers and theory-driven empirical papers. Empirically, I have employed a wide range of methodologies including surveys, interviews, narrative analysis, and longitudinal archival data analysis.

Related Publications

  • Williams, M. & Polman E. (forthcoming) “Is it me or her? How gender composition evokes interpersonally sensitive behavior on collaborative cross-boundary projects” Organization Science.
  • Williams, M. & Emich, K. (2014)“The experience of failed humor: Implications for interpersonal affect regulation” Journal of Business and Psychology.
  • Carroll, J., Williams, M. & Gallivan, T. (2012). The ins and outs of nursing change of shift handoffs: A communication challenge. British Medical Journal: Quality & Safety, 21(7): 586-93.
  • Williams, M. (2012). Building and re-building trust: Why perspective taking matters. In R. Kramer, & T. L. Pittinsky (Eds.), Restoring Trust: Enduring Challenges and Emerging Answers. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Waber, B., Williams, M., Carroll, J. & Pentland, A. (2012). A voice is worth a thousand words: The implications of the micro-coding of social signals in speech for trust research. In F. Lyon, G. Möllering, M. Saunders and T. Hatzakis (Eds.) Handbook of Research Methods on Trust. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Williams, M. (2011) Perspective taking: Building positive interpersonal connections and trustworthiness one interaction at a time. In K. Cameron & G. Spreitzer (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Williams, M. (2007) Building genuine trust through interpersonal emotion management: A threat regulation model of trust and cooperation across boundaries.” Academy of Management Review, 32(2), 595-621.
  • Williams, M. (2001). In whom we trust: Group membership as an affective context for trust development. Academy of Management Review, 26(3), 377-396.